Pretreatment Department
The Town administers a Pretreatment program as required by state and federal law. The pretreatment program requires nondomestic dischargers that introduce pollutants to Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs, or Wastewater Treatment Plants like the Town’s) to comply with the pretreatment standards to ensure the goals of the Clean Water Act (CWA) are attained. The Pretreatment Department proactively protects the infrastructure of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and collection system. The objectives of the program include preventing the introduction of pollutants that will interfere with the operation of the POTW, preventing the introduction of pollutants that are incompatible with the receiving collection system or POTW, and improving opportunities to recycle and/or reclaim municipal and industrial wastewaters and sludges. The Pretreatment Department identifies specific discharge standards and requirements that apply to sources of nondomestic wastewater discharged to the POTW. By reducing or eliminating waste at the industries or source, fewer toxic pollutants are discharged to and treated by the POTW, providing benefits to the POTW, the industries or sources, and the citizens of Wytheville.
Fats, Oils and Grease Program
What is FOG?
FOG refers specifically to fats, oils and grease entering the sewer system when poured down drains in homes, apartments, restaurants, industry and public facilities.
As a byproduct of cooking, FOG is usually found in:
- • Baking goods
- • Butter, lard, shortening
- • Cooking oil
- • Fats and oil from cooked meats
- • Food scraps
- • Gravy
- • Mayonnaise
- • Salad dressings
- • Sauces
- • Sour cream
Why is FOG a problem?
Blockage can lead to sewer overflows on your property. All too often, fats, oils and grease are disposed of improperly during food preparation and kitchen clean-up. When poured down the drain (sink or floor), FOG can build up, blocking sanitary sewer lines. This accumulation not only reduces the capacity of the wastewater collection system, but it also alters its effectiveness.
In severe cases, blockage can lead to:
- • Sewage backups into homes and businesses and
- • Sewers that overflow onto roadways and property, eventually flow into local waterways, causing contamination.
How can you help?
The easiest way to solve the grease problem and help prevent overflows of raw sewage is to keep this material out of the sewer system. Through education and by adopting certain habits, it is easy to minimize FOG sources at home.
In the kitchen, fats, oils and grease (FOG) comes mostly from pre-rinsing dishes or washing pots and pans. When cooking FOG is allowed to go down the drain, it cools in the wastewater system and sticks to pipes, creating FOG buildup. The buildup causes clogs and backups in homes and businesses, wastewater overflows, and spills onto private property, streets, and local surface waters. FOG buildup also increases the cost of maintaining Town wastewater treatment systems, hence effecting rates and can also create public health problems.
Tips to keep your drains fat-free:
- • Pour cooled fats, oils and grease into a container and put the container in the trash. If you don’t have a container, place tin foil into a coffee cup or similar, add FOG, allow to cool and dispose.
- • Before washing, use a paper napkin or paper towel to wipe FOG from dishes and dispose of it in the trash.
- • Use sink strainers to catch food waste.
- • Put food scraps in the trash, not through the garbage disposal.
The best way to handle grease and fats are to scrape them off or pour them into containers and dispose of them through the trash disposal. Never put fats or grease down the sink drains or into the toilet.
There is a national campaign named "Can the Grease" throughout the United States that encourages the use of proper disposal of FOG.
Restaurants and other commercial kitchens are required to have grease traps or interceptors installed. These establishments are subject to inspection periodically by Town personnel.