- 1. Copy and paste the following link into your web browser to access the
background check forms:
Once you have completed the background check forms, please save them to
your computer. You will be prompted to upload these forms.
- 2. The Town Committee application is located on the OpenGov portal
on the Town’s website. First time users of the OpenGov portal
will be required to build an account. The Town Committee application is
located under the Administration Icon.
- 3. Once you open and complete the Committee application, please remember
to upload your saved background check forms at the bottom of the
application before you submit it. You will receive a confirmation email
from Town staff that your Town Committee application has been
- 4. Applicants will be notified if he/she is selected by the Town Council
to serve on a Town Committee/Board.
For more information or additional questions, please call (276) 223-3349.
Board of Zoning Appeals -- Composed of five members who are recommended by the Town Council and appointed by the Judge of the Circuit Court of Wythe County. The term of office is for five years and meets the third Thursday of each month at 11:00 a.m. or as needed. The Board hears and decides appeals from any order, requirement, decision, or determination made by the Zoning Administrator in the administration or enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance. The Board authorizes upon appeal in specific cases a variance from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance as will not be contrary to the public interest when, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions will result in unnecessary hardship.
Board of Zoning Appeals Members:
- Patricia
AustinExpiration: 09/10/2027
- Kerry EansExpiration: 09/10/2025
- Vacancy
Expiration: 09/10/2024- John W. Jones, Jr. (Vice-Chairman)
Expiration: 09/10/2028- John Matthews (Chairman)
Expiration: 09/10/2026- Mark Zammit (Alternate Member)
Expiration: 09/10/2025
Building Code Appeals Board -- Composed of five members and the term of office is for five years. The Board meets as needed. The Board hears appeals concerning the application of the Building Code or refusal to grant a modification to the provisions of the Code covering the manner of construction or materials to be used in the erection, alteration or repair of a building or structure.
Building Code Appeals Board Members:
- Dennis L.
Manuel (Chairman)Expiration: 07/26/2028
- Andrew Sayers
Expiration: 07/26/2026- Phil Tobelmann
Expiration: 07/26/2026- Landon Sayers (Vice-Chairman)
Expiration: 07/26/2028- Donald Repass
Expiration: 07/26/2025- Michael Carrico (Alternate Member -1)
Expiration: 07/26/2028- Ricky Krietemeyer (Alternate Member -2)
Expiration: 07/26/2028
Economic Development Authority -- Composed of seven members. The term of office is for four years, and the Authority meets the third Wednesday of April at 9:00 a.m. or as needed. Historically, the Town and County both had Industrial Development Authorities whose purpose was to promote economic growth and act as the agent for industrial development bonds. With the advent of the Economic Development Authority who is now charged with these activities, the Town's Authority acts as a support organization, if necessary, to the Economic Authority.
Economic Development Authority Members:
- David Kause
(Chairman)Expiration: 12/12/2025
- Bobby Angles
(Vice-Chairman)Expiration: 12/12/2025
- Vacancy
Expiration: 12/12/2024- Melissa Crockett
Expiration: 12/12/2027- Kathleen Laster
Expiration: 12/12/2028- Jeffrey Lucas
Expiration: 12/12/2026- Wendy Welch
Expiration: 12/12/2027
Joint Industrial Development Authority -- Composed of seven members, two of which are appointments by the Town. The term of office is for four years, and the Authority meets the fourth Thursday of each month at 3:00 p.m. The Authority initiates, develops, and coordinates industrial and economic development efforts in order to achieve and sustain the optimum quality of life for all Wythe County citizens.
Joint Industrial Development Authority Members:
- Vicki Parks
Expiration: 12/31/2027
- Jeffrey R.
LucasExpiration: 12/31/2028
Planning Commission -- Composed of six members and one Town Council liaison member, and the term of office is for four years. The Commission meets the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. The Planning Commission is responsible for making decisions on questions of community growth and development within the Town.
Planning Commission Members:
Lisa K. Anderson (Chairwoman)Expiration: 03/02/2025
- David E. Schmidt (Vice-Chairman)
Expiration: 03/02/2026- John W. Jones, Jr.
Expiration: 03/02/2026- E. Keith Jones
Expiration: 03/02/2027- Cathy D. Pattison (Council Liaison)
Expiration: Term of Council- Bradford "Brad" M. Litton
Expiration: 03/02/2029- George F. Wittwer
Expiration: 03/02/2028
Recreation Commission -- Composed of nine members (seven members over the age of 18 years and two members not less than 15 years of age nor more than 17 years of age) and one Town Council liaison member. The term of office for members over 18 years shall be three years and members not less than 15 years nor more than 17 years shall be for a term of one year. The Commission meets the second Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. The Recreation Commission is advisory and advises the Town Council with respect to the immediate and long range plans and programs necessary to meet the active and passive recreational needs of the citizens of all ages in the Town. The Commission assists and advises the Director in the continuing development of recreational plans and programs. The Director reviews recreation plans with the Commission and discusses all matters pertaining to the recreation programs.
Recreation Commission Members:
- Bobby Angles
Expiration: 12/31/2027
- James Cohen
Expiration: 12/31/2025
- Gary L. Gillman
Expiration: Term of Council- Brittney A. Litton
Expiration: 12/31/2026- Brady Parks
Expiration: 12/31/2026- Meredith Summers
Expiration: 12/31/2027- Audrey Angles (Youth Member)
Expiration: 08/01/2025- Vacancy (Youth Member)
Expiration: 08/01/2024
Redevelopment and Housing Authority -- Composed of seven members, and the term of office is for four years. The Authority meets the second Wednesday of each month at 12:00 noon. The Housing Authority is charged with the general operation of housing projects and investigating housing conditions and means and methods of improving such conditions.
Redevelopment and Housing Authority Members:
- Dennis BarkerExpiration: 09/08/2028
- Lisa K.
AndersonExpiration: 09/08/2026
- Cathy D. Pattison (Council Liaison)
Expiration: Term of Council- Elizabeth Groseclose
Expiration: 09/08/2027- Dale Hahn
Expiration: 09/08/2027- Ellen McDaniel
Expiration: 09/08/2025- Sherrie D. Parks
Expiration: 09/08/2025- Connie “Jack” Quesenberry
Expiration: 09/08/2025
Rehabilitation Zone Selection Committee -- The Wytheville Town Council established the Housing Rehabilitation Zone Program in December 2023, and as a part of this program, a Town Selection Committee was required to review the applications received for participation in the Housing Rehabilitation Zone. The role of the Committee is to prescreen the applications for the required qualifications and to make a recommendation to the Town Council regarding which properties should be included in the zone. The Committee is composed of five members. Members include a member of the Wytheville Planning Commission, the Wytheville Economic Development Authority (WEDA), the Wytheville Town Council and two Town of Wytheville Staff members. Terms will expire with the members’ Commission and Authority expiration dates, and the Council member’s term of office. The Selection Committee will meet as needed.
Rehabilitation Zone Selection Committee Members:
- Keith Jones
(Planning Commission Member)Expiration: 03/02/2027
- Kathleen
Laster (WEDA Member)Expiration: 12/12/2028
- Candice Johnson, Councilwoman
Expiration: Term of Council- Elaine Holeton, Assistant Town Manager
- John Woods, Director of Planning
Smyth-Wythe Airport Commission -- Composed of five members of which two are appointed by the Town. The Commission meets the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. The Airport Commission is charged with overseeing the construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance and operation of the Mountain Empire Airport.
Smyth-Wythe Airport Commission Members:
- Brandon T.
ElmoreExpiration: 06/30/2028
- David B.
TaylorExpiration: 06/30/2026
Tree Advisory Committee -- Composed of five members. The Committee meets quarterly (February, May, August, November) on the second Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m. The Tree Advisory Committee is charged with developing programs that will replace existing trees as necessary through the years and to help administer the Town's tree ordinance.
Tree Advisory Committee Members:
- Alma Watson
(Chair)Expiration: 05/14/2026
- Tammie Lowry
(Vice-Chair)Expiration: 05/14/2026
- Lee Johnson
Expiration: 05/14/2026- Tammy Jenkins
Expiration: 05/14/2028- DeAnne Irving
Expiration: 05/14/2028- Vacancy
Expiration: 05/14/2027- Hunter Stuart
Expiration: 05/14/2028- Tim Whalen
Expiration: 05/14/2028- Beth A. Taylor
Expiration: Term of Council- Donald D. Spiller
Honorary Member
Wall of Honor Committee -- Composed of six members and one Town Council liaison member. One member represents the Town Council, one member represents Wythe County, one member is from the Chamber of Commerce, one member represents the Sports Hall of Fame, one member is from civic/historic groups, and two members are representatives from the Veterans Groups. The initial appointments were for staggered terms. The current terms are for four years. The Committee meets as needed. The Wall of Honor Committee is charged with accepting and reviewing applications for nominees to the Civic Monument and making their recommendations to the Town Council.
Wall of Honor Committee Members:
- Holly E.
AtkinsExpiration: Term of Council
- Ryan M. Lawson
Expiration: Term of Office
- Mike Melton
Expiration: 02/01/2028- Che Roop
Expiration: 02/01/2027- Maelene Watson
Expiration: 02/01/2028
Willow Brook Jackson/Umberger Homestead Museum Advisory Board -- Composed of six members. The current term of office is for four years, and the Board meets as needed. The Board is charged with reviewing various aspects of the operation of the Jackson Property and making recommendations to the Town Council.
Willow Brook Jackson/Umberger Homestead Museum Advisory Board Members:
- David B.
Taylor (Chairman)Expiration: 07/31/2027
- Terry Beamer
Expiration: 07/31/2027
- Candice Johnson (Liaison)
Expiration: Term of Council- Patricia Kay Mangus
Expiration: 07/31/2026- David Sharitz
Expiration: 07/31/2026- Betsy Trevillian
Expiration: 07/31/2028- James Spraker
Expiration: 07/31/2028 - Candice Johnson (Liaison)
- Mike Melton
- Lee Johnson
- Alma Watson
- Candice Johnson, Councilwoman
- Cathy D. Pattison (Council Liaison)
- Gary L. Gillman
- David E. Schmidt (Vice-Chairman)
Lisa K. Anderson (Chairwoman)
- Vacancy
- Andrew Sayers
- Vacancy