The Wytheville Planning Commission consists of seven members, which includes a Town Council liaison, all of whom are residents and qualified voters in the Town of Wytheville and appointed by Town Council. Commission members are appointed for a term of four years and may serve two consecutive terms in office.
Current members of the Commission are:
- Lisa K. Anderson, Chairman
- David E. Schmidt, Vice-Chairman
- John W. Jones, Jr.
- E. Keith Jones
- Cathy D. Pattison
- Brad M. Litton
- George F. Wittwer
- John D. Woods, Director of Planning
The Office of Director of Planning welcomes your input. Please feel free to e-mail your comments to John Woods.
The Town of Wytheville Planning Commission consists of seven members appointed by the Town Council. Terms are staggered and individual appointments are made for four years.Mission
The primary mission of the Planning Commission is to advise and assist Town Council in promoting the orderly development of the town. Under the Code of Virginia, the Commission has the primary responsibility for developing the plans and ordinances to guide future growth. The Commission also provides the following important functions:- Serves as a sounding board for the Town Council in matters related to planning, zoning and development issues.
- Serves as a catalyst by presenting new ideas and calling attention to community developmental and planning problems or areas where planning policy direction is needed.
- Serves as liaison between citizens and Town Council concerning matters of planning and zoning.
- Encourages reasonable and consistent town planning.
Typical Tasks
Each member devotes approximately two hours per month to Planning Commission meetings in addition to training and education. The basic expectations for Planning Commission members are as follows:- Attend regular Planning Commission meetings. Regular meetings of the Commission are scheduled the second Thursday of every month at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers, Municipal Building, 150 East Monroe Street, Wytheville.
- Attend special Planning Commission meetings or work sessions as needed.
- Review and make recommendations to the Town Council on proposed amendments to the Town Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance.
- Review and make recommendations to the Town Council on short and long range plans.
Education and Experience
Members should have the knowledge and/or experience to make decisions on questions of growth and development and become a Certified Planning Commissioner. Planning Commission members must be residents of the Town of Wytheville. Training for newly appointed members is provided by the Town.Planning Commission Meetings
The Town of Wytheville Planning Commission considers public hearings as scheduled on the second Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers.
Filing deadlines and other information pertaining to the Commission may be obtained by contacting the Director of Planning at (276) 223-3361.
Efforts will be made to provide adaptations or accommodations, based on individual needs, for qualified individuals with disabilities in any program or service offered by the Wytheville Planning Commission, provided that reasonable advance notification has been received.
Meetings of the Town of Wytheville Planning Commission are formal proceedings. All comments are recorded by the Town Clerk. An agenda is provided for the convenience of the public and Planning Commission. The format for each item scheduled for a public hearing is as follows:
- Petitioner's remarks
- Questions from Commission members to petitioner
- Staff remarks
- Questions from Commission members to staff
- Public comment
- Public comment closed
- Planning Commission discussion/motion
Each application on the agenda will be heard separately and in the order in which it appears, unless the Commission moves to change the order of the agenda. The applicant or petitioner will have an opportunity to present the request to the Commission and the public. Next, staff will give a brief report on the matter. Public comments will then be taken. Each person desiring to speak should register before the meeting and will be given an opportunity to make comments. Each speaker should approach the podium and state his or her name and address into the record. If there is a spokesperson representing a group, the spokesperson may present the views of the group and those in agreement with the spokesperson may be recognized by standing. If there are written statements or materials provided by the speaker, that material should be filed with the Town Clerk. All presentations, whether they be from the petitioner or the public, should be made from the podium or microphone.